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BK 21 플러스 초청 세미나
2014-07-01 09:55:41 조회수1696

7월 1일 오후 3시-4시 공업센터본관 416호에서 스웨덴 Uppsala대학(Gotland Campus)의
Prof. Hayashi 가 다음 주제로 세미나를 합니다. 관심있으신 분은 참석하시기 바랍니다.

BK 21 플러스 초청 세미나

일 시 : 2104년 07월 01일(화) 15:00 ~ 17:00

장 소 : 공업센터 본관 416호

연 사 : Prof. Masaki Hayashi
( Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Sweden)

Research Activities in CM Lab of Uppsala University

- Virtual museum, Text-To-Vision, Engagement in games and Microtone analysis -


Convergent Media Laboratory is a research group in the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. In this talk, Prof. Masaki Hayashi will introduce the following research activities in the Lab; 1) Virtual Museum in 4K ultra-high-resolution with real-time CG, 2) T2V (Text-To-Vision) technology implemented in Unity game engine applying to automatic content generation and games, 3) Measuring engagement in video games using a biophysical sensing system, 4) Music analysis of microtone in blues vocal. The presentation will be done together with lots of demo actually working on a laptop.

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