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[행사] 카카오브레인 김은솔 박사 초청 세미나
2019-08-14 14:46:08 조회수1497

올해 CVPR Visual Question Answering and Dialog workshop에서 GQA challenge winner로 수상한 카카오 브레인 김은솔 박사님을 초청하여 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하오니 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.


- 아         래 -


[카카오 브레인 김은솔 박사 초청 세미나]

1. 연사: 김은솔 박사

2. 연사소개

Eun-Sol Kim is a research scientist at Kakao Brain.      
Her research currently focuses on multimodal sequential learning, structural learning and graph neural networks.   
She received her Ph.D degree from Seoul National University, 2018. 

3. 일시: 8/20(화) 오후 2시 ~ 3시

4. 장소: IT/BT 508호

5. 주제: Large-scale image/video understanding via symbolic scene graphs  

6. 요약문:

In this talk, symbolic graphs are introduced as a new framework to understand the large-scale multimodal dataset, such as images and videos.

We postulate the disparity of information levels between modalities as a fundamental problem in multimodal learning.
To tackle this problem, we propose a new method which combines the multimodal inputs on symbolic levels, which is called Hypergraph Attention Networks (HANs). 
The main idea of the HANs is to abstract symbolic information from each modality in graph forms and to integrate the symbolic graphs into a coherent concept using graph matching methods. 
We demonstrate that the HANs can efficiently present the information of multimodal data and effectively learn the representation of them, by showing the result of the recent GQA challenge, where won the 1st place.

6. 문의: 노영균 교수(02-2220-1409) 


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